Dr. Eric Krebill is a board certified Bariatric & General Surgeon practicing in Grand Rapids and Grand Haven, MI with Grand Health Partners. He attended medical school at the University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine followed by a 5 year surgical residency with GRMEP-Michigan State University. He specializes in treating morbid obesity and its related medical issues with the latest minimally invasive bariatric and metabolic surgery techniques. He also performs advanced robotic and laparoscopic general surgeries as well as upper and lower endoscopy. He performs surgery in Grand Rapids, MI at Trinity Health-Grand Rapids, University of Michigan Health-West, Spectrum Health, and in Grand Haven, MI at Trinity Health-Grand Haven Hospital.
Bariatric Surgeon
Eric Krebill
Dr. Eric Krebill is a board certified Bariatric & General Surgeon practicing in Grand Rapids and Grand Haven, MI with Grand Health Partners. He attended medical school at the University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine followed by a 5 year surgical residency with GRMEP-Michigan State University. He specializes in treating morbid obesity and its related medical issues with the latest minimally invasive bariatric and metabolic surgery techniques. He also performs advanced robotic and laparoscopic general surgeries as well as upper and lower endoscopy. He performs surgery in Grand Rapids, MI at Trinity Health-Grand Rapids, University of Michigan Health-West, Spectrum Health, and in Grand Haven, MI at Trinity Health-Grand Haven Hospital.
Surgeries Performed
Laparoscopic Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass
Revision/Conversion of Prior Procedure
Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy
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