Debra Clancy RDN
Center for Weight Loss and Metabolic Surgery
University of Washington Medicine
Debra Clancy RDN, works at the Center for Weight Loss and Metabolic Surgery, at the University of Washington (UW), in Seattle, WA. Debra served on the boards for the Washington State Council of Renal Nutrition, Northwest Society of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition, and the Northwest chapter of the Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation of America. She has practiced as a registered dietitian for over 20 years, with significant focus on diabetes, renal disease, gastroenterology, and bariatric nutrition. She has contributed to many committees to improve care and management of these often-overlapping diseases. She participated as co-editor and contributing author on Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver, in a 2022 peer-reviewed publication, On the Cutting Edge, by the Diabetes Dietetic Practice Group. She contributed to the 2012 Krause publication chapter on renal nutrition, and the 2014 publication by the Northwest Kidney Centers, “Eating well after a kidney transplant”. She was recipient of the UW Golden Eddy Award for Excellence in outstanding patient and family education in 2019. She has been an invited presenter at professional meetings on a variety of renal, pancreatic, gastrointestinal, and bariatric nutrition topics. Debra has volunteered as a preceptor and received awards for preceptor excellence, for dietetic interns from the University of Washington, Bastyr, and SeaMar didactic programs.