- Philadelphia
Bariatric Surgeons in Philadelphia
Bariatric Surgery FAQs

Julie Parrott, MS, RD, LDN Bariatric Nutrition Care Coordinator Temple University Hospital Philadelphia, PA Julie.Parrott@tuhs.temple.edu Cell: 732-939-7147 Visiting Research Fellow, Faculty of Health Sciences and Wellbeing University of Sunderland...

I am a fellowship trained advanced GI Surgeon with an expertise in minimally invasive (laparoscopic and robotic) bariatric surgery. A large part of my practice involved roux-en-Y gastric bypass, sleeve...

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Bariatric Surgery FAQs
What is the cost of bariatric surgery in Alabama?
We take into account the surgeon’s years of experience in medicine, surgery, and bariatrics. We take into account the surgeons focus on serving self-paying and insurance-based bariatric patients.