- New York
Bariatric Surgeons in New York
Bariatric Surgery FAQs
Dr. Owen Pyke is a member of the bariatrics care team at NYU Langone Hospital–Long Island, helping patients suffering from obesity lose excess body weight and improve their overall health. He…
Dr. Karina McArthur FACS is passionate about helping her patients lose weight and improve their lives. She grew up in New York City and received degrees with honors from New...
Director of Bariatric and Minimally Invasive Surgery at Capital Bariatrics 7 Southwoods blvd Albany, NY 12211 office 518-641-6580 fax 518-292-6302 cell 315-575-3410...
Marina Kurian, MD has dedicated a significant part of her professional life to the treatment of obesity and making surgery less painful with minimally invasive techniques. In addition to treating...
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Bariatric Surgery FAQs
What is the cost of bariatric surgery in Alabama?
We take into account the surgeon’s years of experience in medicine, surgery, and bariatrics. We take into account the surgeons focus on serving self-paying and insurance-based bariatric patients.