- Detroit
Bariatric Surgeons in Detroit
Bariatric Surgery FAQs
Oliver Varban, MD is a Minimally Invasive and Bariatric surgeon at Henry Ford and serves as Associate Director of the Michigan Bariatric Surgery Collaborative (MBSC). After graduating with a degree...
Board certified general surgeon trained at Wayne State University/Detroit Medical Center. Fellowship in Bariatric/Minimally Invasive surgery in Greenville, SC. Interests: Bariatric surgery Laparoscopic and robotic surgery Hernias and abdominal wall...
Please see my website link for a good look into who I am and what my patient care philosophy is about! Thank you....
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Bariatric Surgery FAQs
What is the cost of bariatric surgery in Alabama?
We take into account the surgeon’s years of experience in medicine, surgery, and bariatrics. We take into account the surgeons focus on serving self-paying and insurance-based bariatric patients.