Amarillo - Bariatric Surgeon

Bariatric Surgeons in Amarillo

Bariatric Surgery FAQs

Board-Certified surgeon, Dr. Bleu Schniederjan is a native of Amarillo, TX, where he dedicates his time and skills to countless weight-loss patients at Panhandle Weight Loss Center. After graduating from...
Dr. Quigley is an Associate Professor of Surgery with Texas Tech University School of Medicine in Amarillo, Texas. Dr. Quigley was born and raised in Lubbock Texas. He earned a...
Dr. Neichoy was born in Beaumont, TX and spent his childhood on the Texas coast in the small town of High Island. After earning his bachelor’s degree in biomedical science...
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Bariatric Surgery FAQs

We take into account the surgeon’s years of experience in medicine, surgery, and bariatrics. We take into account the surgeons focus on serving self-paying and insurance-based bariatric patients.

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