I’m a clinical psychologist located in Cheyenne Wyoming and authorized to practice interjurisdictional telepsychology. I began completing psychological evaluations for bariatric surgery candidates in 2008 and have completed over 1700 so far. I receive referrals from bariatric programs located in Cheyenne, and Casper Wyoming, Fort Collins and Denver, Colorado, and Scottsbluff Nebraska. Until 2021, I provided psychotherapy services, specializing in eating disorders. I am level three trained in internal family systems (IFS) and have been a program assistant for three level one trainings.
Bariatric Surgeon
Caroljean Bongo
I'm a clinical psychologist located in Cheyenne Wyoming and authorized to practice interjurisdictional telepsychology. I began completing psychological evaluations for bariatric surgery candidates in 2008 and have completed over 1700 so far. I receive referrals from bariatric programs located in Cheyenne, and Casper Wyoming, Fort Collins and Denver, Colorado, and Scottsbluff Nebraska. Until 2021, I provided psychotherapy services, specializing in eating disorders. I am level three trained in internal family systems (IFS) and have been a program assistant for three level one trainings.
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