I am a registered dietitian based out of Northern Virginia. I am very passionate about providing evidence-based nutrition care and lifestyle education to weight management patients. In the near future, I plan to attain my CSOWM so that I may improve upon my patient care. In the future, I hope to become more active in the committees of ASMBS and OAC so that I can make a bigger impact in the field of obesity and weight management.
Bariatric Surgeon
Emily Jacobs
I am a registered dietitian based out of Northern Virginia. I am very passionate about providing evidence-based nutrition care and lifestyle education to weight management patients. In the near future, I plan to attain my CSOWM so that I may improve upon my patient care. In the future, I hope to become more active in the committees of ASMBS and OAC so that I can make a bigger impact in the field of obesity and weight management.
Surgeries Performed
None Performed
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