I am a patient centered healthcare professional dedicated to providing quality care through compassion, commitment, and medical knowledge necessary to execute practice goals through skillful planning and implementation of healthcare services. I bring strong professional experience in providing exceptional patient care, developing peer relations, and excellent stewardship in the evolving healthcare environment. Over 25 years of clinical hours in pediatrics, adult, geriatric, and women’s health specialties with the skills necessary for full coverage healthcare. Adept at managing work tasks in 700+ bed hospital settings.
Bariatric Surgeon
Amy Smith
I am a patient centered healthcare professional dedicated to providing quality care through compassion, commitment, and medical knowledge necessary to execute practice goals through skillful planning and implementation of healthcare services. I bring strong professional experience in providing exceptional patient care, developing peer relations, and excellent stewardship in the evolving healthcare environment. Over 25 years of clinical hours in pediatrics, adult, geriatric, and women’s health specialties with the skills necessary for full coverage healthcare. Adept at managing work tasks in 700+ bed hospital settings.
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