Dr. Erika La Vella is a geneal and bariatric surgeon at Samaritan Health Services in Corvallis, Oregon specializing in MIS/Robotic surgery. “Bariatric surgery is the perfect meld of preventative medicine and surgery.” She is dedicated to getting to the root cause of obesity, the evolution of bariatric surgery and the improvement of long term outcomes. Her research interests include the microbiome’s role in obesity and the role of body composition analysis technology in the obesity assessment.
Bariatric Surgeon
Erika La Vella
Dr. Erika La Vella is a geneal and bariatric surgeon at Samaritan Health Services in Corvallis, Oregon specializing in MIS/Robotic surgery. "Bariatric surgery is the perfect meld of preventative medicine and surgery." She is dedicated to getting to the root cause of obesity, the evolution of bariatric surgery and the improvement of long term outcomes. Her research interests include the microbiome’s role in obesity and the role of body composition analysis technology in the obesity assessment.
Surgeries Performed
Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass
Revision/Conversion of Prior Procedure
Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy
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