Dr. Sakowitz received his Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from Kent State University and has been in clinical practice for over forty years. He is on the Mental Health Professional Advisory Board at Obesityhelp.com. Recently, he has devoted much of his practice to the treatment of patients who are considering, or have had, weight loss surgery and finds this among the most enjoyable parts of his practice. His psychotherapy practice includes eighteen professions and includes his wife, daughter and son in law.
Bariatric Surgeon
Michael Sakowitz
Dr. Sakowitz received his Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from Kent State University and has been in clinical practice for over forty years. He is on the Mental Health Professional Advisory Board at Obesityhelp.com. Recently, he has devoted much of his practice to the treatment of patients who are considering, or have had, weight loss surgery and finds this among the most enjoyable parts of his practice. His psychotherapy practice includes eighteen professions and includes his wife, daughter and son in law.
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