My primary interests are laparoscopic & robotic surgery for benign conditions of the stomach and esophagus – primarily hiatal hernia, GERD, achalasia, Zenker’s and esophageal diverticula, obesity (gastric bypass & sleeve gastrectomy) — and revisional surgery for the same conditions. I can and will do other things but prefer to focus on a few operations and do them often. Half my practice is bariatric surgery, the other half helps me do a better job at bariatric surgery and be comfortable handling trickier situations that arise with those operations. A third of my bariatric practice is revisional surgery.
Bariatric Surgeon
Roy Cobean
My primary interests are laparoscopic & robotic surgery for benign conditions of the stomach and esophagus - primarily hiatal hernia, GERD, achalasia, Zenker's and esophageal diverticula, obesity (gastric bypass & sleeve gastrectomy) -- and revisional surgery for the same conditions. I can and will do other things but prefer to focus on a few operations and do them often. Half my practice is bariatric surgery, the other half helps me do a better job at bariatric surgery and be comfortable handling trickier situations that arise with those operations. A third of my bariatric practice is revisional surgery.
Surgeries Performed
Follows Other Surgeons’ Patients
Laparoscopic Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass
Revision/Conversion of Prior Procedure
Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy
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