Theresa Jackson is a bariatric and robotic surgeon for the Kaiser Mid-Atlantic Permanente Medical Group. She received her medical degree from the University of Oklahoma followed by general surgery training at the University of Oklahoma – Tulsa. She went on to complete a Bariatric Surgery Fellowship at Kaiser Permanente South Sacramento. Her clinical and research interests are focused on bariatric and robotic surgery, as well as work-life balance, job satisfaction, healthcare access, and cost containment. Outside of work, she enjoys hiking, travel, and spending time with her partner and family.
Bariatric Surgeon
Theresa Jackson
Theresa Jackson is a bariatric and robotic surgeon for the Kaiser Mid-Atlantic Permanente Medical Group. She received her medical degree from the University of Oklahoma followed by general surgery training at the University of Oklahoma – Tulsa. She went on to complete a Bariatric Surgery Fellowship at Kaiser Permanente South Sacramento. Her clinical and research interests are focused on bariatric and robotic surgery, as well as work-life balance, job satisfaction, healthcare access, and cost containment. Outside of work, she enjoys hiking, travel, and spending time with her partner and family.
Surgeries Performed
Gastric Banding
Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy
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